Ministry Training Fellowship

Program Components
Weekly Class
Sundays 8:00-9:30AM
online or at the church office
The purpose of the class is to develop a greater understanding of the Bible and its doctrine and learn to apply the gospel to life. It also focuses on character development, spiritual formation, leadership skills, and the ability to understand and communicate the gospel in every context. Classes include lectures, discussion, group work, and some limited preparatory and follow-up assignments to help participants go deeper into and live out the concepts covered.
Sundays 9:30-10:30AM
online or at the church office
Each participant will attend weekly cohort meetings after class with a leader and a group of other participants. These sessions are intended to care for each participant and to further apply the lessons being learned through class, homework, and life.
Participants in this program will grow by serving in some regular capacity beyond the widely available opportunities of Sundays and community groups. The primary place for this experience of serving is the Hope Center Food Ministry (5-6PM Monday through Friday). Other opportunities at the Hope Center may be possible depending on the applicant’s availability. The regular act of serving in this capacity will be very valuable to the growth as disciples and as leaders.
If any participant desires to gain experience by serving with the RLA staff on an in-office basis, that opportunity may be added to their serving role by request.
* Due to the current status of social (or physical) distancing, the opportunity for service may not be available at the beginning of the program. As the restrictions and opportunities become more available, our team will work diligently with each participant to ensure that everyone can serve.
When does Ministry Training Fellowship take place?
Each MTF session runs from September through June.
What is the weekly time commitment?
Participants commit to weekly classes and cohort meetings on Sunday mornings and completing homework assignments throughout the week (usually 1-2 hours).
Participants also commit to volunteering regularly at the Hope Center an average of 4-8 hours a week. An additional opportunity to gain experience with the church staff may be available by request.
Participants will also be expected to continue their current involvement in other areas of the church unless otherwise arranged.
Where will the MTF classes and cohorts meet?
Due to COVID-19, classes and cohorts are currently planned to take place online. Once physical gatherings are permitted again, classes and cohorts will take place at the Hope Center and/or church office.
Are there opportunities to volunteer in the church office with the RLA Staff?
Yes! If participants are seeking experience serving in a formal ministry context, we have opportunities available to serve alongside staff. This would be additional volunteer time beyond time spent serving with the Hope Center.
How much does Ministry Training Fellowship cost?
The MTF registration fee is $185, which covers books and activities throughout the course. If you need financial assistance, please email
Who is eligible?
We are looking for any man or woman who:
Has taken responsibility for their own discipleship
Desires to grow as a disciple and disciple-maker
Affirms the RLA Statement of Faith
Has been actively involved in an RLA community group for at least six months or has a recommendation from an RLA staff member
Has completed the RLA Essentials course
Demonstrates consistent character and ability
Has adequate transportation, an electronic device that is video chat compatible, and capacity to commit to the program in its entirety
Applications for the 2020-21 Ministry Training Fellowship are now closed.