Jesus meets us in our brokenness and calls us beloved. He meets us in our isolation and shame and adopts us, calling us sons and daughters. He meets us in our slavery and sets us free. He meets us in our lack and woundedness, heals us, provides for us, makes us whole, and builds us up in his kingdom. Jesus changes everything!
Mission Vision
God’s heart is to reconcile all creation to himself through his son Jesus Christ. As followers of Christ, his mission of reconciliation becomes our mission of gospel proclamation and demonstration. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we cultivate this missional pursuit every day in our lives, our city, across cultures, and around the globe. For more information, check out the video at the top of the page.
We love LA! We recognize both its beauty and its brokenness, and we pursue its spiritual, relational, and cultural renewal every day in our homes, neighborhoods, and workplaces. Local Engagement seeks to understand our city, stir our hearts with compassion for it, and equip us to display the gospel—by evangelism, service, care, and friendship—throughout Los Angeles, in whatever context God has placed us. Below are a few of the organizations and individuals Reality LA partners with to spread the love of Jesus in Los Angeles.
The global vision of Reality LA is to obey Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations by participating, as part of the global church, in sharing the gospel with every culture and every people. Below are a few of the organizations and individuals RLA partners with to spread the gospel in a variety of global contexts.
As a church, we seek to meet real and practical local needs with generosity through community.
Local Partners
Our Partner Organizations
Individuals We Support
Global Partners
Our Partner Organizations
Individuals We Support
Partner Opportunities and Events
Learn how to be equipped, get involved, and participate in ministry at Reality LA and with our mission partners.