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Reality LA Preteen Reality LA Youth
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Making disciples of Jesus who love God, one another, and our city.

When Jesus called his followers to make disciples of all nations, he made no distinctions based on gender, race, culture, or age. The church is called to make disciples of everyone, including children and teenagers.

RLA Youth and RLA Preteen seek to connect students with God, with one another, with the broader church body, and with their friends outside the church.

Have any questions?

For more information or any questions not answered here, email us.

Parents and caretakers: You can stay connected with these ministries by joining the RLA Preteen (5th-6th grades) or RLA Youth (7th-12th grades) groups on RLA Connect.

Join Us Sunday!

Sunday Gatherings

ASL interpretation is available at our 10AM gathering.


10AM 1309 Wilton Ave

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave


10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
