
When Jesus called his followers to make disciples of all nations, he made no distinctions based on gender, race, culture, or age. The church is called to make disciples of everyone, including children and teenagers.
RLA Youth and RLA Preteen seek to connect students with God, with one another, with the broader church body, and with their friends outside the church.
Reality LA Preteen
RLA Preteen seeks to help 5th-7th-grade students transition from RLA Kids to RLA Youth, building them into a community centered around Jesus.
Preteen kids are checked in by parents at the Kids check-in tent and are taken up to the RLA Youth space by RLA Preteen volunteers. If you check in and the volunteers and kids are already up in their space, then once you have checked in one of the kids volunteers can escort you or you can follow the signs in the courtyard.
Our time together includes connecting with each other over snacks, interacting with a teaching from the Bible, and discussing and responding to God’s word. After this, preteens join the adults in the main worship gathering (they have a row reserved in the back where you can pick them up once the gathering ends).
Sign Up to Serve
If you’re interested in volunteering with RLA Preteen, please fill out the RLA volunteer form and mark “RLA Preteen” as your area of interest.
Reality LA Youth
Sunday Youth Connects
RLA Youth seeks to connect students with God, with one another, with the broader church body, and with their friends outside the church. Students join the adults in our main gathering, then come to our Youth Connect from 11:30AM to 12:30PM for a time of fellowship, snacks, and discussion.
Tuesday Nights
Every Tuesday Night, RLA Youth meets for a time of learning about Jesus, growing in our relationships with each other, and learning how to apply the word of God to our lives.
Each month has a different theme, and each Tuesday will explore the theme in different ways.
For more information and how to get involved, email
Sign Up to Serve
Discipling students is an important part of Reality LA’s mission, and central to that mission are committed, mature leaders. Because we want students to know Jesus and follow Him, leaders must faithfully represent Christ in their words and behavior. In effect, we as leaders want to show students what it looks like to live lives transformed by the gospel.
If you’re interested in volunteering as an RLA Youth leader, please fill out the RLA volunteer form and mark “RLA Youth” as your area of interest.
Have any questions?
For more information or any questions not answered here, email us.
Parents and caretakers: You can stay connected with these ministries by joining the RLA Preteen (5th-6th grades) or RLA Youth (7th-12th grades) groups on RLA Connect.