
Jesus is real.
We’re for one another.
We’re for our city.
Jesus is real.

That’s a bold statement, we know.

But if his life, death and resurrection really happened (and we believe it did), that changes how we live our lives.
Reality LA Youth exists to equip students to live in reality of Jesus’ realness, seeking renewal through the good news of Christ.

We are for one another—going to each other’s ball games, recitals, and quinces—and we are for our city: doors wide open for everyone ages 10-17 seeking friendship, community, and the kingdom of God.

Reality LA Youth 


Tuesday Nights

Party Nights

New to Reality LA? Want some good times and new friends? Come hang with us. 6:30-9PM, one Tuesday a month, we gather together for fun, food, and hangs on a school night,

Upcoming Party Nights:
January 7 — New Years Party
February 9 — Super Bowl Party
February 11 — Game Night
March 18 — NBA Game

Community Nights

Having friends through the highs and lows of life is so important. On community nights (the other three Tuesdays of each month), we get deeper in our friendships and really learn how to follow Jesus in every part of life.

Sunday Youth Connects

After morning Sunday gatherings, 11:30AM-12:45PM
Location: Helen Bernstein High School youth room (big gym lobby)

The healthiest spiritual path for students is to be present and active in the life of our church. So every Sunday, we encourage youth to attend our 10AM church gathering with the rest of our church family, then we connect immediately after to discuss how we saw God at work during the sermon and the worship.

Field Trips

Within LA:

Once a month, we gather outside church, somewhere in our city for vibes, laughs, and fun—maybe attending a Dodger or Lakers game, catching a movie at the mall, hanging out at the arcade, roller skating, hiking at Griffith Park, or (your idea here)! We deepen friendships and grow in love for one another as we discover, embrace, enjoy, and grow in love for Los Angeles.

Outside LA:

Twice a year, we get out into nature to quiet our spirits, discover what God has to tell us, and deepen our relationships with one another at summer camp and winter camp.

Reality LA Preteen


Sunday Preteen Connects

During 10AM gathering – 10:15-11:30AM

Friends and mentors can make all the difference for those in middle school.

Parents, simply check your student in at the Kids ministry table, have them join you for the first part of worship, then and pick them up from the youth row in the auditorium (house left, front section) after the gathering. During the sermon, they’ll play games in the courtyard, hear a teaching from youth leaders, and discuss following Jesus in a discipleship group.

Field Trips

Within LA:

Once a month, we gather outside church, somewhere in our city for vibes, laughs, and fun—maybe attending a Dodger or Lakers game, catching a movie at the mall, hanging out at the arcade, roller skating, hiking at Griffith Park, or (your idea here)! We deepen friendships and grow in love for one another as we discover, embrace, enjoy, and grow in love for Los Angeles.

Outside LA:

Twice a year, we get out into nature to quiet our spirits, discover what God has to tell us, and deepen our relationships with one another at summer camp and winter camp.

Want to get plugged in?

Email us to connect (don’t worry—we won’t put you on a mailing list or send you spam)!

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