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Ongoing Past General Partner Organizations

Work +

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Let the beauty of the LORD our God
be upon us, and establish the work of
our hands for us; yes, establish the work
of our hands.
Psalm 90:17

Make Culture

Nature is what God gave. Culture is what we do with it and the meaning we find in that doing. Making culture was the first thing God asked of humans. Living out the story of Scripture, knowing God through prayer and Scripture, growing into our identity in Christ, forming our character through intentional practices, having healthy friendships, receiving and reflecting the care of Christ, being known in community, belonging to a local church, witnessing to Christ in word and deed, and doing justice are all culture-making acts.

Work with God

While making culture was the first thing God asked of humans, work was how God asked them to do it. Calling involves much more than our job but, for most of us, work (paid or unpaid) is our single biggest time commitment every week, meaning our work will be the main context through which we follow Jesus, love one another, and serve Los Angeles. It’s the main way God cares for people and provides the world its daily bread.


If you work as an actor or in a related field, please take a moment to introduce yourself so we can invite you to our next gathering.

Hi, I work as an actor

In the meantime, check out the various resources for exploring the intersection of faith and acting below.

img img img Acting 8 RESOURCES

The gospel is a story of design and redesign. A universe in which God refers to himself as Creator, Maker, and Author is a universe in which design matters. Whether we work in architecture, in graphic, interior, fashion, experience, or character design, or in any design field of any kind, what does it mean to design in the image of a redemptive Designer? How can we love our neighbor well through the experiences, objects, and media we create for them?

Hi, I work as a designer

If you work in healthcare, please take a moment to introduce yourself so we can invite you to our next gathering.

Hi, I work in healthcare

In the meantime, check out the various resources for exploring the intersection of faith and healthcare below.

img img img Healthcare 4 RESOURCES

If you work in music or a related field, please take a moment to introduce yourself so we can invite you to our next gathering.

Hi, I work in music

In the meantime, check out the various resources for exploring the intersection of faith and music below.

img img img Music 7 RESOURCES

If you work as a writer or in a related field, please take a moment to introduce yourself so we can invite you to our next gathering.

Hi, I work as a writer

In the meantime, check out the various resources for exploring the intersection of faith and writing below.

img img img Writing 18 RESOURCES


Food is an absolute necessity for all life on earth, and the table is one of the primary spaces where people foster culture and community. But how often do we actually think about what we eat and how we eat it? What does a meal actually mean? The profound significance of food is a theme woven throughout the Bible, from the opening pages of Genesis to the closing vision of Revelation. The resources below invite us to consider what the Bible says about the gift of sustenance, and how that affects our lives whether we are casual cooks, professional restauranteurs, or simply lovers of food.

img img img Food and Hospitality 6 RESOURCES

How do we pursue justice in just ways? What are the unique spiritual challenges and opportunities faced by those called to the field of law? What is the legal profession’s impact on the common good?

img img img Law 3 RESOURCES

In the midst of a culture confused about its ideals and foundations, what is the right way to lead? What does it mean, not just to be an effective leader, but to be a good one?

img img img Leadership 7 RESOURCES

In the beginning God said “Let there be light,” and we’ve been trying to capture that light ever since. From news reports and billboard advertisements to Christmas cards and selfies, photography has become one of the most powerful storytelling tools in the world. But what stories are we telling, and how do they affect us? How do we live in a culture increasingly defined by images? What does the Christina faith have to say about the lenses with which we frame the world?

img img img Photography 3 RESOURCES

Sports are profoundly ingrained in our nations culture, economy, and identity. In fact, few areas of modern life hold more sway over how we pass time, spend money, set priorities, and form relationships. So are sports merely about playing a game, or have they become something more powerful? What does the Christian faith have to say about such topics as physical discipline, competition, and winning and losing?

img img img Sports 7 RESOURCES

Computers, smartphones, and social media saturate our daily loves, yet we rarely reflect on how they shape the world. The incredible technological thresholds crossed in the last decade have brought not only new opportunities, but also new questions. What should we avoid and what should we embrace? Does the Christian faith give us guidance on how to live in a digital age?

img img img Technology 6 RESOURCES


Whether we work as artists or not, we’re all created in the image of a creating God. Part of being human, therefore, is being creative. How does this biblical understanding of creativity differ from the prevailing view? How does this concept of every-human creativity affect our relationship to the arts, both as creators and consumers?

img img img Creativity 14 RESOURCES

The following resources help provide an overall biblical perspective on work and calling, no matter what your individual calling.

img img img What Is Calling? 16 RESOURCES

Looking for wisdom about discerning your own calling? Here are some resources to get you started:

img img img What Is My Calling? 4 RESOURCES
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