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Pray for Easter 2023


We believe prayer is the lungs of the church and if any significant spiritual change is going to happen in our city, it will begin in prayer. Here are some specific ways we can pray together for Easter this year:

• Let’s pray that everyone running from God will know they can come home to him.

• That, when the Word is preached, the Spirit will grant people faith to believe.

• That believers will be bold in inviting friends to Easter and in sharing the even greater invitation of the gospel itself.

• Let’s pray that religious people who rely on their own righteousness will instead experience the grace of God in Christ.

• That those wounded by the church will be healed and that any of us who may have contributed to such wounding will repent and seek forgiveness and reconciliation.

• That those bitter toward God will soften their hearts toward him.

• That those who have left the church will be willing to try it again.

• Let’s pray that the church will be a people united in Christ.

• That we will remain united amidst such differences as multiple ethnic or cultural backgrounds, political stances, and generations.

• That division sowed by the enemy will find no foothold in our hearts.

• Let’s pray for our gatherings on Easter Sunday and the events leading up to it.

• That the Holy Spirit will impress upon us the depth, power, and meaning of Jesus’ death for us on the cross and remind us the resurrection hope of Easter is part of a larger, richer gospel story.

Learn more about our Easter gatherings

Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
