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Get Involved in Royal Family KIDS Camp 2024

CAMP JUNE 16 - 21

Scripture is definitive about God’s abundant love for the orphan and his command to the church to care for and serve these image-bearers. One way our church has joined in God’s desire to seek justice and relational renewal is through Royal Family KIDS Camp (RFKC), an annual summer camp we host with the mission to share the joy and love of Jesus with children and caretakers who are or have been involved in the foster care system. The camp is tied to our yearlong mentorship program centered on cultivating healthy, encouraging, and positive relationships between our volunteers and campers throughout the year.

RFKC is a week-long overnight camp for campers aged 6-12. This year’s camp will take place Sunday, June 16, through Friday, June 21. The week of RFKC includes zip lines, nerf battles, skits, incredible music, pool time, fresh baked cookies and stories with “Grandma and Grandpa,” tea parties, chapel time, meal times with songs busting forth out of nowhere, a talent show, and so much more. You can learn more about the heart and details of RFKC by listening to this episode of The Drop In podcast.

If this sounds like a substantial endeavor…it is. We need our church to participate in big ways for this to happen. Here are some ways you can get involved:


Please consider supporting the kids and the camp financially. RFKC is completely self-funded so that no child has to pay a dime to be there. Whether it’s giving $5, or paying for 5 kids to go to camp, everything helps. If you’d like to make a donation, you can do so through our giving app, PushPay (be sure to select “RFKC 2024” in the Reference dropdown field).

Sign Up a Camper

If you are a caretaker or social worker who would like to sign a prospective camper up for camp, visit our page for campers:


Pray for the children and caretakers.

• Pray the beauty of the gospel will be revealed or reaffirmed in their lives and that they’ll know they’re deeply valued and loved by their heavenly Father.
• Pray that every child who has signed up is able to make it to camp.
• Pray for soft hearts that are being prepared to receive love and good news.
• Pray for a week of sweet respite and reprieve for the caretakers.

Pray for deep relationships to form.

• Pray that this camp—paired with the mentoring program that occurs throughout the year—will not just be centered around fun activities, but will be truly rooted in cultivating and deepening relationships through which the kids, caretakers, and volunteers all feel truly known and loved by God and one another.
• Pray for endurance and commitment even if relationships aren’t natural at the beginning.
• Pray for safety in relationships and even redemption/healing where it is needed.
• Pray that our team would love each other well as a testimony to the love of Christ.

Pray for our volunteer team.

• Pray for endurance, patience, and an eagerness to put forth the name of Jesus over our own “good plans” or self-motivated desires.
• Pray for safety, that each volunteer will be able to make it to and through camp.
• Pray against the temptation of distraction leading up to and at camp.
• Pray for God’s heart and eyes for these kids, and pray against the temptation of judgement or condemnation based on behaviors or past experiences.

Pray for safety.

• Pray for physical safety, health, and spiritual cover over the participants and the space.

Pray for all of the details involved.

• Pray for all the final planning, purchases, organizing, and strategizing that is happening before camp.
• Pray that things will go off without a hitch so that there will be no hinderance to sharing the gospel in the most effective way possible.

Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
