Family Resources

RLA Kids’ mission is to partner with families in making disciples who love Jesus, love one another, and love our city. While these weekly guides, books, and other resources aren’t the ultimate answer to pursuing godly parenting and loving children, we do pray they will help guide, shape, and lead families in raising up children in the ways of the Lord. We hope these resources help supplement the primary resources of Scripture, prayer, relationships, and dependence on the Holy Spirit.

In addition to the perennial resources below, we have also created a Family Resources for Current Events page.

Questions, thoughts, or looking for other recommendations?

You can always reach out to me!

Families: stay connected with RLA Kids by joining our group on RLA Connect.

Join Us Sunday!

Sunday Gatherings

ASL is available at our 10AM gathering


10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave
Pre loader
