Regional Prayer
We are a people of prayer. Our first response and continual posture is one of prayer. Since our mission is first and foremost God’s mission, we know that if anything meaningful is going to happen in us and through us, it must begin and be sustained through prayer.
Regional Prayer is one of the ways we as a church seek the renewal of Los Angeles. We gather in five locations across our city (Central LA, Northeast LA, South County, Valley, Westside) to pray in unison through one theme, topic, or scripture. This year, as we learn to live all of life all for Jesus, our year-long theme will be “hunger and thirst.” If we are to live a whole life wholly committed to Christ, we must learn to crave the righteousness of God so we will be fasting and feasting together as part of this prayer rhythm.
Fasting simply means abstaining from food for a set time, but it’s so much more than not eating. A true biblical fast is about replacement—taking a daily action and spending that time focused instead on the kingdom of God. For instance, the time normally spent preparing and enjoying a meal is instead spent in prayer, meditating on scripture, or acting on behalf of the needy.
For healthy adults, we recommend the fasting of food as seen in Scripture and has been practiced for millennia. Fast at least one meal on the Thursday of regional prayer, spend a half-hour in prayer for your Christian community, Reality LA, and Los Angeles.
If you are pregnant or have dietary needs that prevent you observing a full food fast, you could refrain from animal products and eat a simple meal that allows time for prayer. Many people may also refrain from sex, alcohol, or caffeine.
Be sure to stay hydrated and refrain from strenuous physical activity while fasting. If you have health concerns, consult your physician or plan a different fast—from digital technology, for instance. A successful fast is an intentional one. Plan ahead, rest in grace, and break the fast by feasting with your church family at Regional Prayer.
Each regional gathering will break fast together with a meal before prayer. Community meals are a formative practice that not only resembles the common table of Christ, filled with people who once were not (or were even enemies) but are now family because of the gospel. This common table also gives us a glimpse into the future when Jesus will return and gather all his people to his marriage banquet. We shall dwell with him and he shall forever be with us.
The leadership of your region will prepare a feast, but if you feel compelled to bring something, we’d love to add it to the table! Dinner will begin around 7PM, with prayer to follow!
• Central LA – Hope Center, 4903 Fountain Ave 90029
• Northeast LA – Chapel Pasadena, 61 N Hill Ave 91106
• Southside – Email for location
• Westside – Email for location
• Valley – Emmanuel Church Christian Education building, 605 N 5th St 91501