Jeff and Lauren Cardell

Timișoara, Romania

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Jeff and Lauren serve in Romania with Greater Europe Mission. They lived in Los Angeles between 2011-2013 while Jeff studied at Fuller and got connected with Reality LA during that time. During their time in Los Angeles, they were intrigued and encouraged to see how Reality LA served in an urban context through serving in the prayer ministry, children’s ministry, and their community group in Pasadena. In 2013, they were sent out as missionaries to Romania with the desire of encouraging and equipping people to live out the Gospel practically.

For the past 7 years, they helped start and have been serving alongside Credința la muncă, a Romanian faith and work initiative, creating spaces and creating resources around God’s view of work, to encourage others to see their work as part of God’s work, and how we can seek the common good in the contexts in which God has placed us.

Prayer and Financial Support

You can partner financially with Jeff and Lauren and their ministry in Romania through their sending organization, Greater Europe Mission.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the people of Romania, that more would come to a knowledge of Christ and His sacrifice and that local believers would continue to grow in their relationship with the Lord. Pray for the local Church to be fully rooted, centered, changed, and empowered by the Gospel.
  • Pray that God would continue to grow the team and the work of Credința la muncă and that more would see that all work is part of God’s work in Europe.
  • Pray for continued partnerships across church and denominational lines to see disciples who make disciples in Romania.

Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
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