Gospel Care

The purpose of gospel care is to help people grow through biblical truths in a way that brings healing and life transformation. For such growth to take place, it is essential for people to be known and cared for. While our primary context for this kind of biblical care and knownness is our community groups, there are certain situations and life seasons where a higher level of soul care may become necessary.
If you are experiencing a season of need, please let our Gospel Care team know by completing the Request Care form.
We periodically offer specific support groups and specialized, short-term relational skills groups for a variety of topics and situations, and care trainings. As new offerings become available, we’ll share dates and registration details on our events page, social media, and here on this page.
Group Care

DivorceCare is a support group that meets weekly for eleven weeks to help those in separation and divorce face these challenges and move toward renewed lives using Christ-centered tools, teaching, and support that can help deal with pain and cultivate hope for the future.

GriefShare is a safe, welcoming support group where everyone understands the difficult emotions of grief. In this eleven-week group, members discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, group members learn helpful ways of coping with grief—in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.
Discussions include managing such grief-related emotions as loneliness, anxiety, sadness, anger, and regret; coping with changes to life and relationships; recognizing common expressions of grief; and dealing with feeling stuck or hopeless.
Relational Care

Multicultural Conversations
Multicultural Conversations is a ten-week discussion group where participants learn how to bridge the awkward gaps in cross-cultural relationships and build toward healthy lasting friendships and our communal capacity to be a church that welcomes, celebrates, and advocates for all people.
We’ll share our stories in a safe environment, learn how to listen well to others’ experiences, grow together in understanding a biblical framework for multicultural community, and increase personal awareness around ethnicity and culture, relational skills, and cultural agility.
There’s no voice that’s not vital to these conversations! We encourage everyone—including those with majority culture backgrounds and those who consider themselves acultural—to join us. We want to hear from you as much as anyone.

Marriage Course
Marriage Course is an expression of our commitment to the health of all marriages in our church, which includes the desire to equip engaged couples in preparation for the covenant they intend to make, encourage couples who are already married, and give seriously dating couples a picture of marriage. This interactive course, taught by our pastors, their wives and other leaders with applicable expertise, discusses vital topics and practices essential tools that help build a foundation for a healthy marriage that lasts a lifetime.
Care Training
Gospel Care Basics is a ministry that equips us to care for one another through reflective listening, encouraging deeper understanding of ourselves and others, and applying the gospel to our experiences.

Gospel Care: Growing Connections
Gospel Care: Growing Connections workshop is a three-hour introductory workshop in which we share basic tools for listening well, being an open and safe space for others, and both experiencing and showing the care of God.

Gospel Care Basics
Gospel Care Basics is a two-day intensive training that invites leaders to experience how to better listen, reflect, ask questions, and share the gospel through group sessions where we practice tools to care for others while also receiving the care of Christ.
Want to learn more about Gospel Care?
Reach out to the Gospel Care team!