add_contact Women’s Retreat 2017

Women’s Retreat 2017

October 5-7 Murrieta Hot Springs

Letting go is hard. Giving in is even harder. Surrender feels like defeat. But when we give something up for God, our hands are open to receive so much more from him. 

What if we gave up comparison? What would happen if we gave our anxiety to God? If we surrendered our busyness, our perfection, our fear, our anger, our finances, our career, our relationships? What would our lives be like if we surrendered them to the one who made us and loves us?

When we look through God’s Word, we see that giving becomes gain, power is made perfect through weakness, and releasing control is victory. This is the power of surrender.

Join us October 5-7 for the Women’s Retreat as we get out of the city in order to seek God and connect with one another. We will be gathering from all over Los Angeles to worship and connect as family in Christ. We hope you’ll join us as we grow deeper in our love for God and for one another by learning together the joy and power of surrendering to him.

Have any questions?

If you have any questions not answered above, please let me know.

Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
