add_contact Summer Eat Up

Summer Eat Up

AUGUST 27, 2-4PM Helen Bernstein High School

As a church, we value building community and fostering relationships, both at our Sunday gatherings and during the week in community groups, where we come together as a body to fellowship, pray, and break bread. We want to continue that bread-breaking rhythm by creating a space on Sundays for us to share a meal and foster relationships.

So we invite you to join us at the HBHS lunch tables for our first-ever Eat Up! We’ll have games, drinks, and Wurstküche food for purchase. For those of us who normally catch up with friends in the courtyard after the noon service, or go grab lunch with a few friends, this is a great opportunity to merge those experiences right on our Sundays campus. So invite your friends and family and come connect over food and games!

If you plan to attend, we ask you park at our main lot on St. Andrews to leave room for guest and families here at the HBHS lot, and to avoid blocking anyone in in the tandem parking.

See you there!

Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
