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Family Connect

May 13 at 10:30AM Johnny Carson Park

As a church, we hope to be marked by the love we have for one another (John 13:35), one that extends beyond our regular Sunday rhythms. In an effort to cultivate community and build relationships with one another and with our RLA Kids volunteer team, we are excited to incorporate Family Connects as a regular rhythm of our church!

Our first Family Connect of 2017 will take place on Saturday, May 13, at 10:30AM at Johnny Carson Park in Burbank. We’ll bring waters/snacks, some games and toys, and music. One of our Kids Min volunteers is a great dance teacher and will lead a fun dance lesson for the kids (and any courageous grown-ups looking to learn a little something themselves).

While this event is primarily designed as a great time for the families, kids, and RLA Kids Volunteers to connect, all of us are part of the same church family and should be invested in the lives of families in our church. We would love to have anyone in the church attend! We also encourage everyone to reach out to their neighbors and invite families outside our church (Christian and non-Christian alike) to join us as we seek to live our lives in community in our city.

Join Us Sunday!

Sunday Gatherings

ASL interpretation is available at our 10AM gathering.


10AM 1309 Wilton Ave

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave


10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
