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Easter with Reality LA

APRIL 20 AT 9AM (ASL), 12PM & 5PM

Lives are being changed. The lonely are finding community. The hungry are being fed. Our city is being renewed. It’s happening across the globe, and it all began with one event. Join us this Easter, Sunday, April 20, as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and step into the greatest movement in history.



We will hold baptisms at all three Easter gatherings.

Baptism is a picture of God’s grace and a profession of our faith. Being lowered into and raised from the water is a picture of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3-8; Colossians 2:12; 1 Peter 3:21). It is a public testimony where we proclaim with our mouths and our hearts that Jesus is Lord.

If you’ve trusted in Christ but have never been baptized, then we invite you to join us for baptism as we celebrate together and worship Christ. You can learn more and register here:

Changing rooms, towels, and even a change of clothes, if needed, will be provided.


Baptism Interest Meeting

If you’ve trusted in Christ but have never been baptized or if you have questions about who should be baptized and when, then join us for a discussion about baptism on April 6. You can learn more and register here:



Service Times and locations

Our Easter gatherings will be 9AM and 12PM at Helen Bernstein High School and 5PM at Hope Center. Click the links below for specific location and parking details:

We believe it’s important and beautiful to gather together in person as a family, but we of course realize that we live in a world where it’s not always possible. Joining us in spirit is no less precious to us—we will be live-streaming the 12PM gathering at so our entire family can celebrate Jesus’ resurrection together!



ASL interpretation will be available during preaching and worship at our 9AM gathering. Seating is in right side of the auditorium at the front.


Kids, Preteen, and Youth

We look forward to celebrating the resurrection with the children of our church! But there will be a few changes to our typical Sunday rhythms on Easter Sunday:

Kids Ministry will only be available for nursery through 1st grade at the 9AM and 12PM gathering. Check in will be at the usual Kids Ministry Welcome Area and these younger kids will have a typical day of programming as any other Sunday. Kids Ministry will not be available at the 5PM gathering, but we will continue to have a Moms’ and Female Caregivers’ Room for anyone who needs it.

2nd through 4th-grade children will join their families in the main gathering. Easter is a wonderful time to integrate our older children into the rhythms of the church, as the sermon is shorter and designed to reach people from a wide variety of experiences and understandings. We will have sheets available for your older kids to grab before heading into the sermon on which they can take notes, draw, and complete a couple other fun activities like crosswords or word searches.

All Preteen and Youth students will join us in our Sunday gathering as well and we’ll resume all customary Preteen and Youth gatherings the following week.

Please feel free to reach out to our Kids or Preteen and Youth teams with any questions ahead of time. We’re looking forward to seeing your family on Easter Sunday!


Serve on Easter

As we press into this year’s vision of being on mission for Jesus, we invite you to serve sacrificially with us on Easter Sunday. Join us as we welcome guests into our church home and praise God through our service for his giving us new life through the birth, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus.



Good Friday

This year’s Good Friday gathering will take place in the Hope Center chapel on April 18 at 7:30PM.


Join Us Sunday!

Sunday Gatherings

ASL interpretation is available at our 10AM gathering.


10AM 1309 Wilton Ave

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave


10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
