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ASL Interpretation on Sundays

Starting December 1

We are all image-bearers of Christ, and because of that we know that gospel is not only for certain people but is good news for every person. Our desire is to be a church that witnesses to Christ so that all can call upon his name and know his mercy and grace. We also seek to be a church body that, to the best of our ability, welcomes, includes, serves, and values every member of our community and city. One practical expression of this is through our ASL ministry.

Our next step will be to incorporate ASL interpretation into 10AM gatherings every Sunday, which will include interpretation of the entire the gathering (music, announcements, and sermon), as well as dedicated volunteers serving on an ASL Welcome Team to meet and connect with Deaf or Hard of Hearing members of and visitors to our church before, during, and after the gathering.

Our long-term vision is to be a church that actively involves Deaf and Hard of Hearing sisters and brothers in discipleship, evangelism, fellowship, teaching, courses, and more. This will take time, mutual sacrifice, and effort from the entire body, but is something we know reflects the heart of God and will bear much fruit toward our church and city better reflecting the kingdom of God!



ASL interpretation is available at the 10AM gathering every Sunday at Helen Bernstein High School.



We need of ASL interpreters and ASL welcome and usher team members to serve! Please sign up to get involved.



Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
