
Deborah Kim

Communications Manager
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Deborah grew up mostly between Seoul and New York City. She graduated from NYU, studying the philosophy and experience of beauty, along with film studies.

Raised in a Christian home, Deborah always believed in Jesus, but the fullness of him wasn’t made real to her until her adult years. Before she went off to college, she realized she didn’t actually know who Jesus was; she only knew the God of her parents, the God that was presented on Sundays. Deciding she wanted to know Jesus for herself was a big turning point in Deborah’s personal journey of faith. Since then, she’s experienced God’s transformation and healing as she’s grown in relationship with him.

Deborah likes to connect with God in solitude—soaking up the beauty of nature, listening to music, looking at art, taking photos, reading Scripture and journaling. She also loves prayer and worship alongside her sisters and brothers in Christ.

Deborah got plugged into Reality LA several months after moving to Los Angeles. Deborah had been looking for a church that was centered on Christ, valued community, and made disciples. She first visited Reality LA on Vision Sunday 2024 and has been coming ever since.

Prior to joining the Reality staff, Deborah worked in documentary production in Seoul, and worked as a freelance videographer in New York City.

Deborah lives in Van Nuys. In her free time she likes to befriend cats.

Join Us Sunday!

Sunday Gatherings

ASL is available at our 10AM gathering


10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave
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