

profile picture

Jeffrey spent his first eleven years in Virginia, then his formative ones in the Bay Area, where he also attended college, majoring in psychology. After graduation, he moved to Los Angeles in a season of grief, attempting to run from a dark place in life. God was certainly not one of his interests but he came to know Jesus through Christ’s relentless pursuit of him, even when he wanted nothing to do with Jesus.
While still a nonbeliever, Jeffrey began attending Reality LA, became part of the Santa Monica community group, and joined a men’s discipleship group. Slowly, over several years of fellowship, the love of Jesus shared by these brothers undid all his preconceived ideas of who God is. One day, he woke up and realized he truly was a new person in Jesus.
His relationship to Jesus has grown through “prayer, prayer, and prayer.” He also studies the Bible and loves spending time with his brothers and sisters in Christ, sharing the deepest issues of the heart.
He lives in West LA and works as a digital media producer. In his free time, he loves pursuing his hobbies: reading, trading Pokemon cards, board games, video games, Dungeons and Dragons, golf, tennis, basketball, and football…to name a few.
Through work, family, and serving at Reality LA, Jeffrey hopes to affect the world around him with the love of Christ.

Join Us Sunday!

Sunday Gatherings

ASL interpretation is available at our 10AM gathering.


10AM 1309 Wilton Ave

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave


10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
