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Why do we give? Reality LA Financial Summary Update and Giving Statements
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Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
Give today!

The Bible teaches us God is our creator and therefore has given us and entrusted us with everything we have. In response, part of our worship is to be good stewards and lead lives of generosity; giving sacrificially, joyfully, and graciously.

Why do we give?


God’s generosity is the model for our generosity (1 Tim 6:17-18). Through the gospel we see that giving is not loss, but gain (Acts 20:35), and we give freely and compassionately (2 Corinthians 9:7) as our thankful reflection of God’s own abundant provision over us (2 Peter 1:3).


We’re not owners of our time, talents, and resources, but stewards of them (Romans 11:36). Our giving reflects our priorities and commitments (Matthew 6:21), and we seek to use our money and possessions with wisdom and responsibility (Proverbs 16:16).


We give as a way of worshipping God together (Hebrews 13:16). We celebrate corporately that God’s gifts are not separate from who he is, and we give cheerfully as a natural response to God’s character as Giver and Provider (James 1:17).

Financial Summary : 2023

Giving Statements : 2023

Donors who gave to Reality Church of Los Angeles in 2023 can now access their giving statements through Pushpay. All donors who have an email address on file should receive an email by January 31, 2024. If you do not receive an email, you can access giving statements online following the instructions below.

Thank you for your generosity

Thank you for giving to the Lord’s work in and through Reality LA in 2023!

Last year we focused on going deeper with God and one another. But even as the roots of a tree go deeper, the branches can spread further. By God’s grace, we baptized 51 people, served over 62,000 meals, and impacted countless people with the good news of Jesus.

All of this happened by way of your generous giving, which is a reflection of your commitment to Christ and the church. Thank you! God is truly at work, and it’s a privilege that we get to take part in it.

Here are a few FAQ regarding PushPay giving statements:

Can I access my giving statements online?

You can access all giving statements associated with your account by clicking the button below and logging in. A list of all statements will be available through the Giving Statements tab on the left-hand side of the screen.

Note: If you have not yet activated your account, please check one of your emailed donation receipts for how to do so.

What if I usually receive a statement in the mail?

Contribution statements delivered electronically from Pushpay are IRS compliant. For this reason, you do not need to receive both an emailed and mailed statement. This will benefit you as it is a much faster and easier way to deliver statements and will eliminate the need to print or scan anything.

My statement is not accurate

If you have received an inaccurate statement or have a question about a listed contribution, please email give@realityla.com.

Give today!

You can give online below, through the Pushpay app, or in person at any of our Sunday gatherings.

Give today!

Have any questions?

Reality LA seeks to be beyond reproach in its income and distribution of funds. We maintain an open-door policy regarding finances and, though we are not a member, we strive to meet or exceed the standards of the ECFA. If you have any questions about giving, please feel free to contact us.

Join Us Sunday!

Sunday Gatherings

ASL is available at our 10AM gathering


10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave
Pre loader
