Erich Lee

Lay Elder
profile picture

Born in Korea, Erich grew up in London and Huntington Beach, California (which, while not as famous, ancient, or big as London, definitely has better surfing).

His family was not particularly religious, but his parents inherited volumes of books from an elderly couple, who wanted to dispose of the books that belonged to their kids. Among those books was a Bible, and by the time he was ten he’d read it cover to cover multiple times (though he wasn’t sure what most of it meant).

He grew into a reckless teen, always on the brink of expulsion from school, experiencing failure and rejection. In high school, a friend dragged him to church, where he finally found a peace he couldn’t find anywhere else. The Bible stories he’d read as a child came to life and the love of Jesus replaced all other pursuits. For Erich, nothing else was as satisfying, life-giving, pure, and personal as Jesus.

After earning a law degree, Erich, his wife Jessica, and their two boys settled in Burbank and, looking for a Jesus-focused church, they came to Reality LA. He’s enjoyed the many opportunities to serve at Reality LA and is interested in building infrastructure projects that bring basic needs to the less privileged. He’s also into cooking, football, and deep-sea fishing.

Invigorated by the dynamic pace of Los Angeles, and of new ideas and cultures, he finds joy in helping Reality LA serve this driven and chaotic, yet amazing, city.

Join Us Sunday!

Sunday Gatherings

ASL is available at our 10AM gathering


10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave
Pre loader
