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Life Cycle of Renewal: Beloved


As the first of four quarters in our annual Lifecycle of Renewal*—Beloved, Adopted, Set Free, Made Whole—”Beloved” is a framework that helps us engage with Christ’s renewing work in our lives, our city, and our world. It reminds us that, first and foremost, we are the beloved of God, created in his image, fully loved and fully accepted. Before we knew Christ, he called us beloved and drew us to him. This shapes how we view and engage one another and our entire city: with the understanding that every single person is an imago Dei (image of God), having innate dignity and value.

We therefore seek to protect the value of all human life and come alongside Christ’s work in restoring dignity to those from whom it has been taken. Caring about the sanctity of life means all life, from the unborn to refugees and immigrants to minorities to those experiencing homelessness to those facing the death penalty (both not guilty and guilty) to seniors.

The opportunities below help us engage belovedness with our hearts, heads, and hands and enable us to remind others that they, too, are beloved by Christ.

* To learn more about the Life Cycle, watch the video at the top of our Missions page.

Beloved Sunday

Beloved Sunday is an opportunity for us as a church to reflect on Christ’s heart for life through his word and by engaging with local partners who represent and support all stages of life, from the unborn to the elderly and everyone inbetween.

Hygiene Supply Drive

We’re asking everyone, especially community groups, to collect hygiene supplies to be given to those using the mobile shower unit at the Hope Center in 2023 as a way of reinforcing their innate dignity and displaying that they are seen and valued—not just by us, but most importantly by God.

Claris Health Supply Drive

Over the years, one of the ways God has called our church to love, walk with, and care for families and individuals facing hard decisions, heartache, and potentially a ton of poopy diapers is through our annual Claris Health Supply Drive.

Any questions not answered above?

Join Us Sunday!



10AM 1309 N Wilton Pl

Hope Center

5PM 4903 Fountain Ave



10AM Anywhere
Pre loader
